Cultural Heritage & Collectibles Services
Lapislazul offers to particulars and professionals a range of tailor made advising for managing and preserving fine art, architectural decorative surfaces, furniture, design, musical instruments, photography, graphic documents, and all sorts of valuable collections.

A full range approach with the best options for your pieces and according to your budget.
While we can answer most questions related to care, handling, research, and commercial matters, we help you in order to release the full potential of your collections.
Easily and without needing to engage multiple suppliers, you can appeal to our services for:
- Inventory & Documentation
- Moving and Temporary Storage
- Historical and Contextual Research & Value Appraisal
- Conservation Restoration (mobile properties and architectural decorative surfaces)
- Security Marking and Tracing Technologies
- Art Glass Creation
- Art Floorings and Coatings Creations: Venetian Terrazzo, Granite & Mosaics
- Project Management Consulting
The first step in developing an effective collection (or single item) management plan is to inventory.
This is the creation of a user-friendly and overview document (or database) which will serve you greatly for many different purposes. After allowing an assessment of its needs and potentials, this document will facilitate the day to day management of your valuable possessions and ensure its legitimacy.
For which purposes could you need an inventory?
- In order to sell, lend or rent the objects.
- In case of relocation.
- In order to obtain reliable measurements and calculate budgets for a project conception.
- With the aim of producing a catalog (or any publication).
- Prior to renovation work to the room where the items are located.
- Prior to restoration works of the objects or architectural surfaces.
- In order to verify the conditions of a real estate property on the occasion of a rent.
- Just in order to have a clear and professional overview document of your properties.
- In order to legitimize the possession of the objects.
Our inventory & documentation technologies:
- Precision object and surfaces measurements from orthonormal pictures
- Pixel-Based color detection techniques
- Panoramic photography
- Conventional photography
- 3D (SfM) Technology structure for motion
We are engaged in the study of new technologies and their use in the cultural heritage industry.
Contact us for further information about our Inventory & Documentation technologies and the many useful applications we can offer.
At Lapislazul Storage & Moving Services, we discern the different situations in which collectors, museums, galleries and institutions, have specific needs when moving and/or storing fine art or collectibles. We cater those particular needs and situations by advising and offering the best facilities, and the ideal environment for storage.
Storage can be long-term or short-term and can accommodate items as a result of different situations, for example:
- Relocation of the collections.
- As a temporary step on the occasion of movement or traveling of the collections.
- On the occasion of renovation of the premises where they are housed.
- Due to security requirements.
- Due to an emergency because of a disaster.
Contact us for further information on how Lapislazul can advise and supply you the best location and logistic operations in order to store and/or relocate your items in a proper manner.
We are trained in writing academic research reports on specific works or artists. If you want to know more about that family heirloom, we can conduct an investigation to determine its context, attribution, pedigree and current market value.
Whatever the motivation, a trustworthy research report will prove its value in many situations, especially in the prospect of selling, renting, donating, etc...
You can appeal to our services for:
- Historical and technical expertise (analysis of techniques, style, and dating).
- Consulting on acquisitions for private and corporate collectors.
- Appraisal on market value for private and corporate collectors (i.e. insurances)
- Provenance research.
Contact us for further information about our Research services
Lapislazul can draw on a diverse team of accredited and experienced professionals in the conservation-restoration of many types of artworks and materials, including:
- Easel paintings
- Architectural decorative surfaces
(Interior and facades: mural paintings, stucco works, stone and sgraffitos) - Sculpture
- Gilding
- Paper work
- Stained glass
- Ceramics
- Furniture
We can also help you with:
- Conditions reporting
- Preventive conservation
We maintain a commitment to professional ethics as laid out in the ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organizations) Guidelines and Code of Ethics.
Contact us for further information on how Lapislazul can advise and help you with the conservation & restoration of your valuables
Lapislazul provides high security marking and tracing technologies to combat theft and counterfeit, while legitimizing the ownership of your properties.
Art Crime Facts
- Art crime is ranked just behind drugs and arms in terms of highest-grossing criminal trades.
- There are hundreds of thousands of art crimes reported per year, and many more go unreported.
- Despite this fact the general public only hears about the handful of big-name museum heists that make international headlines.
- Recovery rates are abysmally low: about 3-4 per cent.
- The law says that for movable objects “Possession means title”. Thus, restitution rates are far lower than 1 per cent!
We deduce that it concerns the owner to constitute a legally valid proof and to legitimize their possession. Marking is an unequivocal proof.
Lapislazul Global Security Marking & Identification Strategy
Is the best quality/effectiveness ratio for ensuring the security of precious objects. Combining prevention (deterrence) and active control (research and reidentification) while makes possible the restitution to the owner.
Our security marking technologies
We use the best technologies to apply a security mark to a whole range of surfaces.
All technologies, applied by professional conservators-restorers, are completely harmless and do not compromise either the stability or aesthetics of the objects.
Contact us for further information on how Lapislazul can help to secure your valuables.
We will provide you with a great variety of possibilities to help you develop your ideas. In cooperation with our partner Glasmalerei Peters (European leader in this field), we will develop individual technical solutions for you and will compile various prior samples during the process.
The spectrum of possibilities is almost unlimited. While we might trust traditional techniques as the basis for a particular project and develop these creatively, we might, on another occasion, combine new, innovative techniques and achieve totally new results.
Contact us and give us your ideas. At Lapislazul we are more than keen to develop it and achieve a perfect implementation of traditional stained glass or new technics.
We will provide you with an unlimited variety of possibilities to develop your floors or coatings. In cooperation with our Italians partners, we will customize technical solutions for you.
While the basis of our know-how comes from traditional techniques and it can be settled for a particular project and to develop it in a creative way, we might, on another occasion, combine new, innovative techniques and achieve totally new conceptions.
Contact us and give us your thoughts. At Lapislazul we are more than keen to develop it and achieve a perfect implementation of traditional or new art floorings and coatings technics.
Lapislazul can take over the leading of a project, or be by your side to conduct health checks to identify issues in a timely manner and assist team members in taking appropriate corrective actions when necessary.
Our service is based on standard Recognized Project Management Methodologies and supplemented with our particular experience/approach gained from the many projects that we have managed in the cultural heritage sector.
- For private collectors & owners of building heritage
We can help you to create a project for your collections or properties, and we take care of achieving your goals. - For companies & professionals
We can pilot a new initiative working side-by-side with one or more of your team members, to apply standard project management practices in a consistent manner.
Contact us for further information about Lapislazul Project Management Consulting services.