Over ons
(Managing Director - co-founder)
Giuseppe is an expert cultural heritage manager, with over twenty years experience spanning over several countries and a wide range of companies in the sector.

He built his career starting with a humanistic and scientific background in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, which subsequently was complemented with a master degree in Cultural Management and Museology. Later on, the AMP degree at Solvay Brussels School, was a great addition to his management path.
He performed in diverse roles, like scientific collaborator on the reserve list at KIK- IRPA Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, as well as assuming different managerial positions and acting as consultant, facilitator, and project manager (certified by Prince2).
(Senior Conservator Restorer & Documentation Expert)
After studying restoration and sociology in Colombia, Clemencia Vernaza specialized through various grants (Getty Foundation, the Italian government, UNESCO), at the ICCROM (International Centre for the Study restoration and conservation of Cultural Property, Rome) in the conservation of mural paintings, in Venice for the conservation of the stone, at the University of Grenoble for the conservation of earthen architecture as well as at the Guggenheim in New York for the conservation of modern and contemporary works of art. In 2011, she obtained a Master in Cultural Management at the University of Turin and the ILO (World Heritage at Work).

While working independently in conservation, Clemencia Vernaza taught for 6 years wall paintings conservation in the conservation faculty of the University of Bogotá (Colombia). She is currently the Secretary General of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Murals of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and participated as a listener or speaker at numerous seminars.
Her recent achievements relate to both the work done locally in Switzerland in collaboration with the workshop Trnka (Dully Castle, Castle of Allaman, buildings style “1900» in Lausanne sub-station, various churches in Romande Switzerland, etc.) and to the conservation campaigns abroad as a consultant for UNESCO. Currently she is occupied with the Getty Conservation Institute (USA) for the preservation and restoration of the mural paintings of the fifteenth century church of Kuno tambo in Peru.
(Senior Art Historian)
Nancy is an Art Historian and independent curator, working internationally in Belgium, Germany and Croatia in the field of Art History, Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.

As an independent researcher she was involved in multiple, multiannual research and multidisciplinary art projects in Belgium, Germany and Croatia. She organized exhibitions in New York, Washington, Munich, Murnau, Bremen and Dubrovnik.
Since 2006 she was leading team member of various multiannual collaboration projects with private as well as public institutions. As Senior Art Historian and project coordinator she carried out projects jointly with the Ministry of Culture of Croatia, the City of Dubrovnik and the Opificio delle pietre dure in Florence, Italy.
Since 2007 she is working with the Belgian Art Research Institute, Luxemburg and is Board member of the Ivan Pokhitonov Art Authentication Committee.
As cultural heritage expert she is consulting and evaluating the European Commission cultural cooperation and research projects since 2010.
Her recent cultural collaboration projects involve publications, conferences and exhibitions linked to the Italian Baroque artists Andrea Vaccaro.
Her publication list includes also monographs and exhibition catalogues of modern and contemporary Italian, Croatian and German artists.
(Senior Specialist Old Master Paintings en Kunsthistoricus)

Sinds 1996 werkt zij voor verschillende nationale en internationale veilinghuizen als specialist en business getter op het gebied van Oude Meesters en 19e eeuwse schilderijen.th century paintings.
Tussen 2010 en 2020 werkte Anke bij Christie’s als internationale Senior Expert voor oude meesterschilderijen. Zij nam in het bijzonder de markt in Duitsland en de Benelux voor haar rekening en ontwikkelde een netwerk en vertouwensband met kopers, verkopers en verzamelaars.
Anke heeft academische kwalificaties in de kunstgeschiedenis, de klassieke archeologie en de Italiaanse literatuur en behaalde een Ph.D. in de kunstgeschiedenis.
Anke is lid van de Belgische Kamer van Deskundigen in Kunstwerken (sinds 2021).
(Senior Conservator Restorer & 3D Technologies Expert)
Nicola’s entire professional career has been developed within the Conservation – Restoration of Cultural Heritage field. He obtained a degree in restoration of easel paintings and frames in Florence, working after that, for both private and public institutions as churches, banks and art galleries in Italy, France and Belgium.

Nicola can make pictures and virtual copies of tridimensional objects with documentation and cataloging purposes or to remake structural missing parts by the use of a 3D printer. He can realize photos and video in order to document, for example, the state of conservation of a site before and after restoration works or to promote a setting.
(Customer Representative)
Paul has an important trajectory and recognition in the artistic, musical and literary world in Belgium.

Paul coordinates exhibitions at the European Parliament, and around Europe, in Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Bergen (Norway), etc… as well as other events at corporate and private properties, such as recitals of poetry, instrumental and choral concerts, etc…
Paul is a cultivated man, a connoisseur in art, who for many years has contributed in the development of artistic and cultural projects by using his art knowledge and good understanding of the customer’s needs.